How can I migrate from Eudora to Thunderbird?

How to export your mail from Eudora and import it to Thunderbird.

  1. Run Aid4Mail
  2. Select "Eudora (index)" on Aid4Mail's Mail Source screen.
  3. Select your Eudora folder on Aid4Mail's Source Location screen.

    If you need help finding this folder, please refer to Finding Mail Folders > Qualcomm Eudora, in Aid4Mail's help file. You can also turn on "Include subfolders" on this screen if you want Aid4Mail to include your whole mail hierarchy.

  4. Select "Mozilla Thunderbird" on Aid4Mail's Target Format screen.
  5. Specify the location for your Thunderbird files on Aid4Mail's Target Settings screen.

    Again, you'll find helpful details on how to find this location in the help file, under Finding Mail Folders > Thunderbird and Eudora OSE.

  6. On Aid4Mail's Export Options screen, turn on "Restore source mail folder structure" if you want Aid4Mail to maintain your mail hierarchy.
  7. On the last screen, select the "Start" button.

We would also recommend that you read the Eudora and Thunderbird sections of "Information About Mail Formats" in Aid4Mail's help file. Just press "F1" to access it.

If you experience any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us by raising a ticket.

If you would like to buy an Aid4Mail license, visit the Aid4Mail website.

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