Free updates are available through the News and Updates feature, which is available since the release of NoteTab 4.95. Note that some download managers may take over this download process and interfere with normal operations. When this happens, temporarily turn off your download manager and try again. Another frequent problem is that a firewall is blocking access to the news server on the Internet.
Retail versions: the only difference between the updates and the original full setup file is that the English thesaurus and dictionary are not included in the package. But those extra files can be downloaded at any time from the dictionaries page of the NoteTab web site. Once you’re satisfied with an update, you can discard your copies of previous update Setup files and backup just the latest copy. The update Setup file is all you need to install the paid version of NoteTab on a new computer.
Important: If you are using Windows Firewall and NoteTab cannot reach the update server, make sure that you uncheck the option labeled Block all incoming connections (Windows 7 and Vista) or Don’t allow exceptions (Windows XP); you will find the option in the Windows Firewall settings window which opens from the Control Panel. If this setting is enabled, you are not notified when Windows Firewall blocks programs, and programs on the Exceptions list are ignored.